A Free Web Guide to Claiming your own Tax Refund!

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Taxhero.ie infographic

How much are you owed?

Try our 5 min private assessment…

You wish to know how much you could be owed from the taxman; but you’re nervous about applying for a tax refund in Ireland? Take our multi-lingual, anonymous and private tax refund assessment. We offer total confidentiality.

The Taxhero.ie crew
the myTaxHero crew

Who are we?

We’re a bunch of True. Cork. Rebels from Cork city. Dara, our founder (pictured centre) is a social-entrepreneur and online housing activist. Our mission as an organization is to help young employees eg. students, young professionals and foreign workers. With this goal in mind, our website is fully multi-lingual.


How much am I owed?

3 out of 4 employees in Ireland are owed a tax refund from the Irish Revenue service. The average refund is between €700 to €1000. Some refunds are €15,000 or higher.

How can I help?

If you receive a tax refund or found this web guide useful – let us know! Leave us feedback, post on Social Media using the hashtag #mytaxhero and contact us about appearing on our TikTok. Thanks!

What if I don’t wish to apply for my own Tax Refund in Ireland?

If you’d prefer to let the professionals handle your Tax Refund. So you get the maximum possible amount. We can put you in touch with a professional Tax Advisor?

What do we do?

From the kind barmaid in your local pub to the Garda on the beat. The cost-of-living crisis affects us all. We show PAYE employees in Ireland how to apply for their own tax refund in Ireland.


Founded in Cork city. myTaxHero.ie is a new socio-enterprise that helps young workers claim tax refunds from the Irish Revenue service. We help you make ends meet.



+353 21 241 1894

Cork City